Monday, September 7, 2009

Snakes on a Plane, but no Samuel L. Jackson's

There's a dead snake in the courtyard of where I live. For those that might not be aware of this, snakes are easily my worst phobia. It's nothing special. It's shriveled and only about a foot and a half long. I hope in a country filled with Asian cobras, that it's just a common grass snake. This did however make me Google search Snakes/Vietnam and what I found is that people are actually trying to sneak snakes into the country, via airplane and lots of them. Most are destined for the kitchen, apparently there is just never enough snake to go around the dinner table.


  1. I hate snakes too. I would just stay indoors the rest of the year.

  2. the want to see, and Brendan is on the lookout for the bad guy who took your camera, he has his kung fu moves ready to use on him

  3. apparently its a big deal on the black market to sell crazy animals like snakes and tigers.

    if you see a tiger, take a picture first and send it to me. thanks.

  4. From what i hear he can 't send a picture!!! What happened to your street smarts?
